
运动好知识2024-05-16 13:44:16阅读:11936


介绍一个体育运动英语范文一 The World‘s Crazy Sport: Soccer 足球 Game in which two 11-member teams try to propel a ball into the opposing team’s goal, using any part of the body except the hands and a。


50、不言体育而空言道德,空言智识,言者暗矣,听者心厌矣,究于事实何俾之有?恽代英 5身体健康者常年轻。马尔夫特 5如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!古希腊格言 5日复一日地坚持练下去。

描写体育的话术英语,少儿英语电话邀约话术 第1张


体育锻炼的好处英语句子如下:经常锻炼的好处不应低估。The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated。他这才知道锻炼身体的好处。Only now does he see the good of taking exercise。每天锻炼的好。


The child has a weak constitution and is struck ill from time to time。 Lack of exercise is part of the reason。 这孩子从小就体弱多病,这都是缺乏体育锻炼造成的。The sportsmen are exercising to improve the。


6体育运动可以使人健康,而健康是财富健康是幸福健康是美 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《关于体育的英语名言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 关于生日的好句名言 专题。已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评。


关于英语体育运动短文篇1 Sport and ISports benefit me in many ways。 Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically。 When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts 。

描写体育的话术英语,少儿英语电话邀约话术 第2张


Do you like palying basketball?oh yes,I do。下面是由我收集整理的关于体育运动的英语对话,供您参考。关于体育运动的情景对话 小杨:What a pity!I had to go to a wedding yesterday so I haven&rsquo;t watched 。


3。体育锻炼的英语短语 aerobics 有氧操,body-building 健美,jogging 慢跑,judo 柔道,wresting 摔跤,ball games 球类运动,football 足球,basketball 篮球,tennis 网球,squash 壁球,rugby 橄榄球,volleyball 排球,golf 高尔夫球,table tennis 。

描写体育的话术英语,少儿英语电话邀约话术 第3张


写篮球的,参考了:)~~Basketball。 The world‘s greatest sport ever。 But of course, it hasn’t been around since the world began。 No, somebody had to have invented it。 And that somebody would be James Nai 。


英语作文最喜欢的科目体育3句话带翻译My favorite subject is PE because i like taking exercise 。I like many ball games。 such as football, basket ball ,base ball and so on。Often I invite my friends to 。


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